BREAKING: Trump Expected To Attend House GOP Meeting On Next Speaker, Fueling Speculation

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly considering a trip to the Capitol next week for the House Republicans’ Speakership forum, fueling speculation about his potential bid for the gavel. This news comes amidst the political chaos that has engulfed the GOP following the removal of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

According to sources familiar with internal GOP discussions, Trump is open to the idea of presenting himself as a candidate for the Speaker’s position. If this were to materialize, Trump would address the House GOP before the internal speaker election scheduled for next Wednesday. However, a final decision on this matter is yet to be made. The GOP is set to convene on Tuesday for an internal “candidate forum” according to Politico.

Given Trump’s status as the frontrunner for the 2024 presidential primary, whether he would actually contest for the Speaker’s position remains uncertain. For Trump to secure this role, he would need almost unanimous support from the House GOP, a challenging feat considering his polarizing tenure as President.

Notably, one of Trump’s staunch allies, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan, has already thrown his hat into the ring for the Speaker’s position. Jordan recently revealed that he had discussed his bid



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