BOOM! Congress Subpoenas Key Biden Records – EVOL

Republican House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has recently issued a subpoena against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Democrat President Joe Biden. The subpoena, issued on Tuesday, specifically requests the case files of several criminal illegal aliens who entered the United States as children and later faced charges for violent crimes, such as murder.

For quite some time now, Jordan has been persistently seeking the case files of these violent illegal immigrants. He emphasizes that these individuals have been charged with various crimes, including theft, assault, and murder.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Jordan expresses his disappointment with the response received from HHS, deeming it “woefully inadequate.”

Jordan revealed that Biden’s HHS cited privacy concerns of those charged and “asserted that the Committee lacked a legitimate oversight purpose to obtain the case files.”

The debate regarding the files persisted into November, until HHS proposed that committee members could examine documents on camera under the condition that no photographs or recordings were taken, and a three-day notice was given before any information was disclosed.

This proposal was met with opposition from the committee. Members of the committee asserted that the files were neither classified



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