‘Bombshell’: Bank Records Show Chinese Payments Were Sent to Joe Biden’s Address

President Joe Biden’s home was used as the beneficiary address for the receipt of illicit payments from Chinese businessmen, a blockbuster new report finds.

Hunter Biden received wire transfers totaling more than $250,000 from Chinese business partners in the summer of 2019, with the beneficiary address listed as the Delaware residence of Joe Biden, according to information obtained by a congressional committee.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has been leading an investigation into the business dealings of the Biden family and the alleged involvement of President Biden in those ventures.

As part of this investigation, Comer subpoenaed financial records related to a specific bank account, which yielded records of two wire transfers originating from Beijing and connected to BHR Partners.

BHR Partners is a joint venture between Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and the Chinese investment firm Bohai Capital. It is a Beijing-backed private equity firm controlled by Bank of China Limited, with Hunter Biden reported to have sat on its board of directors.

The first wire transfer, dated July 26, 2019, amounted to $10,000 and was attributed to an individual named Ms. Wang Xin. There is a Ms. Wang Xin listed on the website for BHR Partners, but



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