Bill Gates Abandons ‘Climate Crisis’ Agenda, Admits Narrative Is a Hoax

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has made a surprising U-turn regarding the globalist green agenda by suddenly admitting that the “climate crisis” narrative is a hoax.

Bill Gates, author of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” spent the last decade warning audiences that the world is overpopulated and subject to impending climate doom.

In order to save the planet, Bill Gates says we must achieve “zero net carbon emissions by the year 2050.”

Meanwhile, Gates continues to traverse the world in his private jets, spewing more carbon emissions in one year than the average person does in their entire lifetime.

As more people see through the climate change façade and realize how their lives are being exploited by globalism, Bill Gates is suddenly changing his tune on the climate doom narrative.

During a live speaking event at the Times Center in New York, Gates made a sudden U-turn on his climate doom narrative.

He said, “No temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.”

Gate’s latest comments are in stark contrast to the public comments he made just two years ago, when his book on climate doom was first published.

In a 2021 Fox News Sunday interview with Chris Wallace, Bill Gates said, “The migration that


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