‘Big Guy’ Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski Testifies Hunter Biden Perjured Himself Multiple Times – EVOL

Hunter Biden’s former business partner-turned-whistleblower Tony Bobulinski has testified on Capitol Hill that the Democrat president’s son has perjured himself multiple times.

Bobulinski, who famously revealed that Democrat President Joe Biden was the business partner known as “the big guy” who took a cut of shady foreign deals, testified before the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees on Wednesday morning.

He was called as a witness during a hearing for President Biden’s impeachment inquiry.

Bobulinski previously worked with Hunter Biden on a joint venture with the Chinese Communist Party-controlled company CEFC China Energy Co.

In previous statements and testimonies, Bobulinski confirmed that “the big guy” received a ten percent share of the profits from the CEFC deal.

During his opening statement Wednesday morning, Bobulinski provided examples to support his claim that Hunter Biden perjured himself.

In the first example, Bobulinski, a U.S. Navy veteran who has not been accused of any wrongdoing, questioned the timing of when Hunter began to work with CEFC.

He told the hearing that, “In Hunter’s transcript (Page 42), he states, ‘I officially began to do work for CEFC when the – when I received a retainer from CEFC in early – or spring of 2017.’




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