Biden’s Inner Circle Defends Top Aide amid Multiple Allegations of Abuse – EVOL

The inner circles of Democrat President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have rallied in defense of a top aid hit with multiple MeToo-style allegations of abuse.

Anthony Bernal is facing allegations of bullying and sexual harassment from almost a dozen current and former White House staff members.

Bernal is an assistant to the president and top aide to the first lady.

The accusers have alleged Bernal has a long-running history of bullying and verbal sexual harassment.

The harassment includes speculating on the penis sizes of staffers in conversations.

One individual described it as an attempt “to make people feel uncomfortable and have power over them.”

The allegations were first reported by the New York Post.

The anonymous staffers told the Post that they came forward in hopes that Bernal would be held accountable for his actions.

Some, however, remained skeptical and labeled him as “untouchable” due to his closeness to the first lady.

The White House and the first lady’s office have yet to reveal whether Bernal would face an internal investigation into the matter.

Instead, current and past members of Biden’s inner circle and former coworkers of Bernal put out statements defending his character in an



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