Biden praises ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ during address to…

Another day, another slip-up.

President Biden on Thursday expressed his admiration for the “Congressional Black Caucus” during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in his latest head-scratching moment.

The gaffe came as he delivered a speech in Washington at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s 46th Annual Gala. 

Biden, 80, celebrated gala award recipient Sister Norma Pimental, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, right before the blunder. 

“I know Sister Norma lives the lessons nuns taught me growing up. Lessons based on the Gospel of Matthew: feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome strangers,” the president said. “They echo what my dad taught me, and I mean this sincerely, my dad used to say, ‘Everyone, everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.’” 

“The Congressional Black Caucus embodies all those values,” he added, without stopping to correct himself. 


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