Biden Dodges Question When Asked If He Plans to Serve a ‘Full Four-Year Term’ If Re-Elected – EVOL

Democrat President Joe Biden dodged the question when a reporter asked him if he plans on serving a “full four-year term” if he wins re-election in November.

Biden was asked about his career plans during his visit to Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

After arriving in the Keystone State, Biden stood on the tarmac with supporters to pose for a photo.

During a moment of quiet, a reporter took the opportunity to shout out a question that is of critical importance to American voters from all sides.

The reporter asked Biden:

“President Biden, will you be serving your full four-year term or handing over power to Vice President Harris?”

Appearing like someone who had sustained a head injury, Biden slowly pointed to his skull with one finger and shouted back:

“You’re not hurt, are you?”

“I can’t hear you,” the reporter politely replied.

“Can you approach?”

Biden appeared to quickly grow angry as he again refused to answer the question.

“Did you fall on your head or something?” Biden slurred.


A reporter asks Biden if he’ll serve a full 4-year term if elected or hand over power to VP Harris, and Biden gets visibly agitated, asking if the reporter



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