Biden Administration Pushes ‘Remain in Texas’ Policy for Migrants, Forces State to Open Borders

The Biden administration is considering keeping undocumented migrant families near the Texas border during their asylum screening, restricting their travel within the U.S., according to three U.S. officials who spoke to The LA Times.

The Biden “remain-in-Texas” policy would hinder migrant families crossing the southern border from coming further into the United States. The number of families crossing the southern border reportedly reached a record high last month.

Since 2022, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, has transported thousands of migrants out of his state to cities controlled by Democrats, such as Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C.

Mayors in Democrat-run cities across the country, particularly New York City Mayor Eric Adams, have bridled at the Texas governor’s transmigration tactic to pressure blue states to develop sensible border policies.

Adams recently decried the transmigration tactic, also utilized by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, as ‘destroying’ New York City, despite the city’s purported “sanctuary city” status.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams expIodes:

The migrants will “destroy New York City” and “everyone will be impacted”

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 7, 2023

Under the Biden plan, certain migrant families would be compelled to stay in Texas, or possibly other border



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