Biden Admin is Spending Millions Protecting Other Nation’s Borders While America’s Is In Crisis – EVOL

The Biden administration has spent millions of taxpayer dollars securing the borders of foreign nations as millions of migrants have flooded across America’s southern border over the past few years, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of federal grant listings.

The State Department in recent months paid out millions of dollars for programs to enhance border security in Iraq, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Serbia, Georgia, Angola, Kenya, Algeria, Somalia, Armenia, Paraguay and Jordan, federal grant records show. As the Biden administration spent millions securing foreign borders, federal authorities reported massive numbers of migrants crossing into the United States, alongside enough fentanyl to kill more than 100 million people.

“It’s insane that this country has been sending money all over the world to secure everyone else’s border for years while leaving ours wide open,” Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “This is the kind of stuff that destroys countries and it’s a primary reason why the American people rightly hate what goes on in Washington,” he continued.

The State Department in September 2023 doled out $4.9 million intended to improve the “border security capabilities” of Kenya and Somalia by providing border officials in the African



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