BASED: Sen. Mike Lee Explains Why Congress Is Broken

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(Daily Signal)—Another year, another “government shutdown” fight on Capitol Hill.

As of this writing, 12 appropriations bills need to pass by Sept. 30 or the government will “shut down.” This means that some workers will be furloughed and most agencies will close temporarily.

We had a similar situation last December and the result was a rather pathetic cave by Republican leadership during a lame-duck session and nearly $2 trillion in spending for fiscal year 2023.

This year’s numbers likely will be similar.

The House Freedom Caucus, whose members are conservative Republicans, has vowed to oppose additional spending that leads to more inflation and debt, especially if the federal government continues to let the border crisis burn out of control with no end in sight.

We desperately need to get this problem under control for this country’s future.

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At this moment it’s important to take a step back and consider why we seem to end up in these situations all the time.


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