AOC Implodes over Biden’s ‘Cruel’ Decision to Build Border Wall

Radical Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is outraged over the news that President Joe Biden’s administration will build a border wall in Texas to tackle the illegal migrant crisis.

As Slay News reported earlier, Biden approved the building over the wall following pressure from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Mayorkas mysteriously changed his tune about tackling the border crisis after House Republicans moved to slash his salary to $1.

Biden issued an order that will allow the government to sidestep environmental regulations in order to resume the border wall plan initiated during President Donald Trump’s administration.

Ocasio-Cortez blasted the move, calling the Biden admin’s decision to build the wall “cruel.”

AOC issued the statement Thursday after the Biden admin announced the reversal on building up a border wall.

In a statement posted to social media, AOC wrote:

“The Biden administration was not required to expand construction of the border wall – and they certainly were not required to waive several environmental laws to expedite the building.”

“The President needs to take responsibility for this decision and reverse course,” she added.

“A wall does nothing to deter people who are fleeing poverty and violence from coming to the United



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