AOC Gets Humiliated During Her Own Speech – EVOL

During a Green New Deal town hall in Queens, Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) faced criticism for allegedly prioritizing illegal migrants over her own constituents. While discussing the advantages of the climate change legislation, the congresswoman was interrupted by two attendees, one of whom was a Republican challenger for her seat in the U.S. House.

“My name is Jonathan David Rinaldi and I’m running for Congress against AOC. The Green New Deal is a scam,” one man shouted. “They’re giving the NYCHA apartments away, they’re giving illegal aliens $10,000 a day… I want you to debate me AOC, debate me.”

The New York City Housing Authority, commonly known as NYCHA, oversees the public housing projects in the city. Rinaldi expressed to Fox News that local politicians are giving more importance to migrants than to citizens when it comes to allocating apartments. A video captured by attendees depicts the instance when another individual rose from their seat and began yelling, “Secure the border now!”

AOC heckled last night at Brooklyn townhall.

‘All you care about is illegal aliens.’

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 24, 2024

“You haven’t said one word about violent Venezuelan migrants, illegals,” the



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