Anticipated Next Month: Alberta’s COVID-19 Review Led by Vaccine Policy-Challenging Doctors – EVOL

A task force in Alberta, led by physician Gary Davidson, is set to deliver a report next month on the integrity of the province’s COVID-19 data and decision-making. The task force was created by Premier Danielle Smith and is tasked with reviewing years of health data and assessing the quality of information used to inform pandemic decisions. Dr. Davidson has previously claimed that the government manipulated statistics to impose restrictions during the pandemic, a statement that was rebuked by Alberta Health Services at the time. Other members of the task force have expressed views contrary to mainstream medical consensus on vaccines and public health restrictions.

The government allocated $2 million for the review, which is separate from another $2 million COVID-19 review panel chaired by former Reform Party leader Preston Manning. Ms. Smith, who became leader of the United Conservative Party in part due to her opposition to public health restrictions, vaccines, and Alberta Health Services, ordered the data review to better manage future pandemics.

The task force aims to compare Alberta’s pandemic experience with other jurisdictions and was designed to include around 10 health professionals. However, currently only three members are actively serving on the task force. Dr.



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