Anti-WEF Lawmaker's Husband Found Murdered: 'They Killed Him!' – EVOL

The husband of an outspoken anti-World Economic Forum (WEF) lawmaker has been found murdered in his car after being strangled to death with a zip tie.

Italian MEP Francesca Donato revealed this week that her husband, Angelo Onorato, was found dead in his vehicle.

Onorato’s body was found with something tightly wrapped around his neck, signaling a murder.

Donato rose to prominence for her vocal activism against the WEF’s globalist agenda.

She has become a thorn in the side of Klaus Schwab and his allies by standing firmly against the mass Covid mRNA vaccine campaign, the WEF’s “Net Zero” climate agenda, and the Western funding if Ukraine’s war with Russia.

The Member of the European Parliament has frequently warned that Schwab and the globalists are pushing the world into World War Three so they can enslave what remains of humanity.

Donato is now raising the alarm that her husband was murdered because she is standing up against the WEF’s globalist agenda.

According to Euronews, Donato and her daughter found Angelo’s body in his car.

Both women immediately declared that he was killed. reports, “Onorato had something tied tightly around his neck, perhaps an electrician’s zip tie.”

The daughter, Carolina, wrote



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