Anglican Minister: ‘Progressive Christians’ Are ‘Fake’ – Liberals Are Christianity’s ‘Greatest’ Threat

An Anglican minister has blasted the notion of “progressive Christians” as an “oxymoron.”

Deacon Calvin Robinson has warned that liberals are Christianity’s “greatest” threat and declared that a person cannot be a Christian and a progressive.

He argues that those who claim to be “progressive Christians” are “fake.”

Robinson is a free Church of England minister and prominent British conservative commentator.

Robinson is warning that liberalism, communism, and neo-Marxism are the “greatest” current threats to the Western Church.

In an interview with Fox News, Robinson argues that the liberal, “neo-Marxist” thought has infected the minds of some leaders and congregants in both the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches.

He says that this leftist ideology is “one of the devil’s tools” and is being used to destroy Christianity from within.

Robinson, a staunch proponent of Christian orthodoxy who uses his media platform to warn about relativism and liberalism supplanting clear Christian teaching, claimed that Christians who prioritize liberal ideas of inclusivity are “twisting” the truth of Christianity.

Robinson gave his statements amidst complicated times for Christians and Catholics in the West.

In recent months, a contingent of Roman Catholic bishops in Germany have insisted on blessing same-sex unions; Anglican bishops have



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