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Controversial pro-Trump commentators Andrew Tate and Candace Owens pushed a conspiracy theory on Thursday that former President Donald Trump has made “some kind of deal” with the deep state to ensure he would not go to jail, in return for bending the knee on certain policies.
During a conversation on her show Candace, Owens told Tate:
It doesn’t feel to me like the same Trump from 2015. And obviously he’s the better candidate, I want Trump to win as well, but it does seem that now he’s accepted money that he can’t be as hardcore about certain topics and certain issues as he was back in 2015 when there was no chance he was gonna win.
She continued, “Now it feels like, I don’t know, like they’ve kind of– I don’t wanna say buck-broken him, but there’s definitely a lot of consultants around.”
According to Wiktionary, “buck breaking” is “the act of publicly punishing a male slave, typically by flogging him, and in some cases subsequently sexually assaulting or raping him in front of other slaves, in order to humiliate him.”
Tate replied:
I’m a fan of Trump. Obviously I hope he wins. My view on it, if