Americans Outraged as Hospitals Bring Back COVID-Era Mask Mandates for Visitors and Patients – EVOL

Americans are outraged Covid-era mask rules have started creeping back into daily life, with an entire hospital system issuing a new mandate and a public subway suggesting face coverings be worn.

One hospital system in Monterey, California, which treats nearly 400,000 patients a year, this week reinstated its face mask mandate for visitors and patients.

Meanwhile several counties in San Francisco’s Bay Area have also brought back mask rules in healthcare facilities ahead of flu season.

And this week, New York City’s health department again began recommending people mask-up while using public transport as the nation heads into winter.

But the new recommendations in Monterey and NYC prompted furious reactions from many residents, who demanded health officials ‘move on’ from the Covid era.

One New Yorker declared ‘tired of this’ on an Instagram post shared by the NYC health department that said ‘Mask up, NYC!’

Another commenter added ‘This is a joke right? Masks don’t work’, while another wrote: ‘You’re still pushing this?’

And in response to the face mask mandate at a California hospital, one resident told KSBW news: ‘I think it’s good for everybody to kind of go back to normal and move on.’

The mandates come



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