America to Be Placed in Lockdown Ahead of 2024 Election

Democrats are planning to lock Americans up in their homes and shutter businesses across the country in the run-up to the critical 2024 election due to an emerging “highly-mutated” Covid variant, according to reports.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner and Big Pharma mouthpiece, is already sounding the alarms about a new “highly-mutated” virus.

Just in time for the coming presidential election.

But have no fear, the vaccine salesman says Scott Gottlieb says, Big Pharma has already whipped up a “vaccine” that everyone should rush out and get injected into their arms right away, including young adults and children, regardless of prior immunity.

“Well, right now I’ve talked to a number of virologists who are usually pretty stayed and they’re pretty concerned about this right now,” Gottlieb claimed.

“It doesn’t appear to be spreading widely. There is seven strains that have been identified and sequenced in five different countries.”

“So the UK, Denmark, Israel, and now in the US,” he said.

“We don’t know whether or not this has been spreading quietly and we just didn’t detect it, or it’s something that’s spreading very quickly.

“The concern is that when you look at these different strains that have been identified,



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