Amazon Driver Charged by NYC Police for Fending Off Lewd Attack from Drunk, Naked Illegal Alien – EVOL

An Amazon delivery driver has been charged by New York City police after he was forced to defend himself during a lewd attack from a drunk, naked illegal alien who tried to steal packages from his van.

The drunk foreign criminal reportedly exposed himself and tried to rob the worker, according to police and the New York Post.

The worker, who identified himself as Abu to the Post, said he was making a delivery in Clinton Hill in Brooklyn at around 4:45 p.m. on Sunday.

He said he noticed the illegal border crosser clutching a beer bottle and masturbating on the street.

The incident took place near 9 Hall Street, a taxpayer-funded shelter where the 26-year-old migrant, identified as Yeison Sanchez, lives, police said.

Abu said he told Sanchez to stop what he was doing, and that was when the situation started to escalate.

The confrontation resulted in the Amazon worker hitting the migrant in the head with an icy snowball.

“I was unloading my stuff, and a guy – he was like a pervert, he had his penis out,” Abu told the Post on Monday.

“He’s in the corner of the street j—ing off and I told him, ‘Hey,



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