A Little-Known Lawyer Known as Biden’s ‘Fixer’ is Now Implicated in Hunter Biden Scandal

An obscure 83-year-old lawyer has the authority to handle all of President Joe Biden’s financial and economic issues has been tied to Hunter Biden’s questionable Chinese business transactions, according to a new report.

Mel Monzack, 83, a longtime friend of the President, has had Joe’s ‘power of attorney’ since 1987, allowing him to oversee the President’s bank accounts and sign financial paperwork on Joe’s behalf.

And, according to DailyMail.com, Monzack may be tied to Hunter Biden’s dubious activities with Chinese energy firm CEFC, which are now part of a new criminal indictment issued on Thursday.

Monzack was not mentioned in the indictment, nor were any of Hunter’s associates.

Garrett Ziegler, founder of the Marco Polo research organization, suggested on social media that another name be added to the subpoena list because he is quietly at the core of the action – Mel Monzack.

Monzack has been described as one of Joe Biden’s “great friends.” Monzack was Biden’s Senate re-election treasurer in 2002, as well as his presidential campaign treasurer in 2008. He has given thousands of dollars to Biden’s campaigns, attended a state banquet at the White House for Chinese President Hu Jintao in 2011 while Biden was vice



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