85% of Independents Would Vote for Trump over 'Unfit Puppet' Biden, NYT Focus Group Reveals – EVOL

The results of a New York Times focus group will be sending shockwaves through the Democratic Party over its current nominee for 2024, President Joe Biden.

Accoridn got the NY Times, independent voters who took part in the focus group overwhelmingly stated that they chose President Donald Trump over Biden.

A staggering 85 percent of independents said they wouldn’t vote for Biden because he’s a “puppet” who is “unfit” to serve.

Amazingly, the same group said they would instead vote for Trump despite having negative views about the 45th president.

In a focus group results published Tuesday, independent voters from around the country had scathing remarks to describe President Biden.

The New York Times spoke with 13 undecided, independent voters, ranging from 22 to 64 years old, at length about the two leading candidates and the issues most important to them heading into the election.

The voters were most concerned about the economy, citing the rising costs of groceries and other bills.

Of 13 voters, 12 said they would base their vote on this issue, and 11 of them said they were leaning toward Trump in the election.

With 11 of the 13 saying they would vote for Trump over Biden, it



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