80% of Covid-Vaxxed Pregnant Women Suffered Miscarriages – EVOL

Official government data has emerged that shows that a staggering number of pregnant women suffered miscarriages and other reproductive ailments after they received a Covid mRNA shot.

Two sets of data have revealed that both the Canadian and U.S. governments were aware of the harm caused to pregnant women but kept the information hidden from the public while pushing the “safe and effective” narrative.

A Canadian government database was exposed in a new report showing an explosion of horrific side effects among expectant mothers who received the mRNA injections.

In Canada, governments and businesses widely mandated the Covid mRNA shots during the pandemic.

“It is past time for the Canadian medical and government establishment, along with mainstream medical professionals and legacy media, to stop gaslighting suffering patients,” explains a report from Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly of the Daily Clout.

“It is time for them to explore the dramatic evidence of the relationship between Covid vaccination rollout and the reproductive damage that tens of if not thousands of patients suffered.”

According to the database, the average number of patients assigned the following reproduction-related diagnostic codes increased, on average, in every category for 2021 to 2022 over 2015 to 2019,



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