585 Million Now Killed or Injured by Covid Shots – EVOL

A leading doctor has just published the latest data on the impact of Covid vaccines that shows a gut-wrenching number of innocent people have now been killed or injured by the experimental mRNA injections.

In a bold move to protect patient health, Dr. James Thorp, a prominent Obstetrician and Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist, has issued a stark warning to leading medical organisations regarding the administration of COVID-19 vaccines to pregnant women.

Dr. Thorp has over four decades of experience in obstetrics.

The top expert issued a formal notice to the American College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (ACOG), the American Board of ObGyn (ABOG), and the Society for Maternal Foetal Medicine (SMFM).

Thorp is demanding an immediate cessation of Covid mRNA shots usage in pregnancy.

“You are placed on formal notice,” Dr. Thorp posted on X.

“You must call for an immediate moratorium on the use of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ in pregnancy or you will be subject to Civil and/or Criminal charges for negligence, intent to harm, assault/battery and murder.

“Best estimates are 585 million global citizens killed or injured from the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ and you have inflicted massive harm to pregnant women, pre-borns, and newborns on a global scale.”



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