Millions of Sudden Deaths Scrubbed from Official Government Data – EVOL

Information regarding the sudden deaths of millions of citizens has been mysteriously scrubbed from the official government as fatal unexpected disorders among young healthy people have continued to soar since early 2021.

In the United Kingdom (U.K.), the government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) said it changed how excess deaths are “calculated.”

This “change” saw the number of sudden deaths recorded in the database plummet.

Officials are now claiming that the spike in sudden deaths never happened and that studies and reports on the phenomenon are just “right-wing conspiracy theories.”

Using the new method to “calculate” the data, the office reported nearly two-thirds fewer excess deaths for 2023 compared to the number of excess deaths the office had previously calculated, using the old method.

ONS said the changes accounted for “trends and population size, aging, and mortality” and the removal of data from weeks and months “that were substantially affected by the immediate mortality impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.”

Comedian Russell Brand, internet lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D., and other commentators and experts weighed in on the controversial change, announced on February 20 on X by an ONS spokesperson.


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