Sudden Death Victims Are All Covid Vaxxed, Data Shows – EVOL

The devasting surge in sudden deaths seen around the world has only impacted those who have received Covid mRNA shots, official data shows.

Government data for 2022 shows that all victims who have been killed by sudden heart attacks or strokes had received at least one dose of a Covid “vaccine.”

In the UK, data from the government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that the proportion of total deaths in England and Wales among unvaccinated people dropped sharply in early 2022, even as excess deaths soared.

The proportion then remained low throughout the following two years, indicating that the additional deaths during this period were concentrated in the vaccinated.

Is this why the authorities continue to resist releasing the full data on deaths by vaccination status?

A cross-party group of 21 MPs and peers are the latest to write to request the data be released.

Are the authorities refusing because they know the data show excess deaths predominantly in the vaccinated?

The striking effect was seen in every age group.

The charts showing these results can be seen below (find the data here, table 5).

The blue lines show the total deaths by month in the age group (left-hand axis) while



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