Biden Shields Palestinians from Deportation, Vows to Give Them U.S. Jobs – EVOL

President Joe Biden is shielding Palestinians in the United States from deportation while authorizing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to loosen work requirements to funnel them into American jobs.

On Wednesday, Biden issued a memorandum to DHS and the State Department, providing most Palestinians in the U.S. with “Deferred Enforced Departure” for at least 18 months amid war in Israel with Hamas terrorists.

Ultimately, the memorandum ensures that most Palestinians cannot be deported from the U.S. over the next year and a half — a plan that was first pitched to Biden by the far-left Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

“I am directing the deferral of removal of certain Palestinians who are present in the United States,” Biden writes in the memorandum. “… I have determined that it is in the foreign policy interest of the United States to defer for 18 months the removal of any Palestinian subject to the conditions and exceptions provided below.”

Also, the memorandum authorizes DHS to open “employment for noncitizens whose removal has been deferred … for the duration of such deferral” as well as urging the agency to loosen regulations so that Palestinians in the U.S. on F-1 student visas



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