Joy Reid Melts Down That Iowa Contains So Many White Christians

MSNBC host Joy Reid made comments about the demographics of Iowa that have generated a fair share of controversy.

In Monday’s segment ahead of the Iowa Caucus, Reid expressed her concern about the high percentage of white Christians in Iowa who make up around 61% of the state’s population.

“These are white Christians. That this is a state that is over represent overrepresented by white Christians… Iowa is about 61% white Christian,” said Reid. “The country as a whole is approximately 41% white Christian and in Iowa we’re talking about evangelical white Christians.”


As the first state to hold caucuses during the presidential primary season, Iowa can significantly influence the direction of elections.

Early reports suggest Trump will win the Iowa Caucus in a landslide.


Joy Reid being racist is not breaking news.

Breaking news would be Joy Reid not being racist.

— Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 (@Bubblebathgirl) January 16, 2024

MAGA is about to make the MSM and deep state shake in their boots.

Once again we will prove that indicting, persecuting, and attacking the best president in American history is futile.

Can’t wait to see the meltdowns tonight and tomorrow. 💯🔥

— FloridaMan.eth 🍊



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