Iowa SHOCKS CNN: 68% of Voters Believe Joe Biden STOLE 2020 Election

Even CNN is being forced to wake up and smell the roses…

Ahead of the Iowa Caucus tonight, the mainstream media outlet took an entrance poll asking voters the question: “Do you think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election?”

68% – that’s over two-thirds – of respondents answered “No” to this question!

The poll’s results were announced on a live broadcast.

Take a look:


Tonight, ahead of the Iowa Caucus, @CNN took a poll asking voters in Iowa “Do you think Biden legitimately Won in 2020?”

68% of their poll respondents said NO!

😂 Even CNN is being forced to admit the 2020 election was stolen. #TrumpWon #Trump2024

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) January 16, 2024

CNN’s announcer looks stunned as he reads the results of the poll on live TV.

Watch the clip of this moment here:

“We also asked folks do you think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election… 68%, more than two-thirds of those in these early entrance poll results showing up early to the caucus sites say no”

— Acyn (@Acyn) January 16, 2024

Here’s what CNN themselves reported about the entrance poll:

About half of Republican



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