Iowa Entrance Poll: 68% Believe Biden Didn’t Legitimately Win Election

Sixty-eight percent of Iowan caucusgoers do not believe President Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, while 30 percent think he did, a CNN entrance poll found Monday evening.

The poll also asked respondents if former President Donald Trump is fit for the presidency, even if convicted of a crime. Sixty-four percent said he was, while 34 percent said “no.”

The top issue for Republican caucusgoers was immigration (40 percent), followed by the economy (35 percent), foreign policy (11 percent), and abortion (11 percent).

Among Republicans who caucused, Trump was also the early winner, per the CNN entrance poll, with 53 percent. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) placed second with 21 percent. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley had 18 percent, followed by anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy with seven percent.

The poll sampled 311 GOP caucusgoers across 45 different caucus locations with a three-point margin of error.

CNN explained the value of entrance polling:

Entrance polls are a valuable tool to help us understand caucusgoers’ demographic profile and political views. Like all surveys, however, entrance polls are estimates, not precise measurements of the electorate.

That’s particularly true for the preliminary set of entrance poll numbers, which doesn’t yet reflect



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