Communist China Accuses U.S of ‘Provocation’ as Navy Warship Sails into Taiwan Strait

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has accused the United States of attempting to stoke “trouble and provocation” as tensions continue to mount with America’s top adversary.

China’s dictatorship issued a fiery statement on Thursday after a U.S. Navy warship sailed through the sensitive Taiwan Strait.

Chinese Defence Ministry spokesperson Colonel Wu Qian delivered a message to the U.S. government while speaking with reporters at a monthly briefing.

“U.S. warships and planes have caused trouble and provocation on China’s doorstep, and carried out large-scale, high-frequency activities in waters and airspace around China,” Wu told reporters.

The comment came after USS John Finn sailed through a corridor in the Taiwan Strait.

It was the first time a U.S. military vessel had traveled through the passage since Taiwan hosted its presidential election.

The U.S. Navy defended the action, saying the destroyer’s path was “beyond the territorial sea of any coastal state.”

Wu said China’s response in driving away the ship was “justified, reasonable, professional and restrained.”

The Defence Ministry spokesperson said the CCP will “continue to organize relevant military operations” in and around the Taiwan Strait.

China officially claims Taiwan, which is democratically governed and operates autonomously, as within its sovereignty.

However, Taiwan, officially



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