Top Cornell University Donor Pulls Funding over President’s ‘Toxic’ DEI Culture

One of Cornell University’s top donors has demanded the resignation of the school president over her “toxic” radical agenda.

Jon A. Lindseth has warned he will no longer contribute to the prestigious college if it continues to promote far-left Marxism-rooted diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

Lindseth, who has been one of the school’s largest donors for several decades, blames “shameful” President Martha E. Pollak for Cornell’s “DEI groupthink” and is demanding her resignation.

Lindseth, a Cornell emeritus trustee and presidential counselor, gave the ultimatum in an open letter to Chairman Kraig Kayser and the Board of Trustees.

He urged the University to abandon its “misguided commitment” to DEI, claiming its embrace of such initiatives has yielded “disgrace” rather than “excellence.”

“I am proud to count myself one of several generations of Lindseths who are Cornell alumni and invested donors, but I am alarmed by the diminished quality of education offered lately by my alma mater because of its disastrous involvement with DEI policies that have infiltrated every part of the university,” he wrote.

“I have spent years hearing the stories of Cornell and its leadership, participating as a student, and sponsoring and funding some of the University’s exemplary past work



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