WEF Banker Calls for Restrictions on Public Coffee Drinking to Fight ‘Climate Change’

A globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) banker has called for restrictions on the public’s consumption of coffee in order to meet green agenda targets.

A video has emerged from the WEF’s recent annual summit in Davos, Switzerland that shows Swiss banker Hubert Keller discussing how coffee production allegedly contributes to so-called “climate change.”

Keller told his fellow WEF globalists during a panel discussion that coffee production is putting too much “carbon emissions” into the atmosphere.

warning that “they’re coming for your coffee.”

In the clip, Keller, who is listed as a WEF “agenda contributor,” notes just how many “tonnes” (a metric unit equivalent to 2,204 lbs) of CO2 coffee makers put into the atmosphere globally when producing their product.

“Basically, the coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee,” he said.

“So we should all know that this is – every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”

Keller added, “Most of the coffee plantation – most of the coffee’s produced through monoculture, and monoculture is also affected by climate change.

“The quality of these nature assets is deteriorating quite rapidly.”

Elsewhere, the WEF contributor told



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