McConnell Admits Trump Has Put Republicans in ‘Quandary,’ Border Politics Has Now ‘Flipped’

Donald Trump’s imminent nomination as the Republican Party’s candidate for the President of the United States is paying immediate dividends for the American people.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) reportedly believes the politics of the border crisis has now “flipped,” signaling the Republican Party is poised to draw a much harder line on budget negotiations over issues like border security and funding for the Ukraine war.

A major factor in McConnell’s recalculation of the situation: Former President Donald Trump being all-but-assured of being the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

The Kentucky senator’s political recalculation was reportedly expressed behind closed doors to fellow Republicans and subsequently reported by Fox News.

The past few minutes, Jake Sherman with Punchbowl News had this about a McConnell meeting with Republican Senators,” Fox News’ Bret Baier began. “Senator McConnell told a closed meeting of Senate Republicans today that the politics of the border has ‘flipped’ and cast doubt on linking Ukraine and the border.”

“It quotes as him saying, ‘when we started this, the border united US and Ukraine divided us. The politics on this have changed. He told his GOP colleagues, he said he referred to Donald Trump as the



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