Rachel Maddow Warns MSNBC Viewers: Trump Winning Reelection Will Be ‘the End of Politics’

Corporate media propagandist Rachel Maddow has MSNBC’s remaining viewers that voting for President Donald Trump’s reelection will apparently doom the country.

Speaking during an appearance on the show hosted by Democrat President Joe Biden’s former Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Maddow falsely claimed that Trump would run the country as a “dictator” if he wins the election in November.

To hammer her fearmongering point home, Maddow warned that reelecting Trump will mean “the end of politics” in America.

“Donald Trump is not leading the Republican Party and leading the Republican field of candidates because of his youthful vigor or because of his eloquence. None of that is going on,” Maddow told Psaki.

Maddow falsely alleged that Trump is open about his dictatorial ambitions to his base.

“What he’s offering is what he both inherently offers and now, more and more, explicitly offers, which is that ‘if you pick me, that’s the end of politics,’” Maddow said.

Maddow was apparently referring to Trump’s jokingly stating that he will only be a “dictator” on Day One of his second term.

As is the tradition, Trump said he plans to sign several executive orders on Day One to undo Biden’s agenda, just as the



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