Democrat Congresswoman Kicked Out of Committee Hearing

A Democrat U.S. congresswoman has been kicked out of a congressional committee hearing, according to reports.

The Washington Examiner is reporting that the lawmaker is Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA).

The incident took place during a hearing of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.

The subcommittee operates under the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The subject of the hearing was U.S.-Cuba relations.

Something worth keeping in mind as we proceed is that Lee is not a member of the subcommittee.

A portion of the incident was caught on camera.

Rep. Lee posted the footage on social media in an obvious attempt to garner sympathy for her cause.


I was just kicked out of a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hearing on Cuba policy because the Republican Chair didn’t like my views.

I’d share the livestream, but Republicans cut out the sound when I stood up to defend myself & call them out.

— Rep. Barbara Lee (@RepBarbaraLee) January 18, 2024

As you can gather from the video, Lee interrupted the hearing in order to advocate for the re-establishment of a relationship between Cuba and the United States.

However, U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL), the subcommittee’s chairwoman, was having none of it.



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