WATCH: Jill Biden Claims “What They Are Doing to Hunter is Cruel”

Today, Jill Biden sat down for an interview with MSNBC to speak out in defense of her husband and son, Hunter.

She called the investigations against Hunter “cruel” and said that she is “really proud of how Hunter has rebuilt his life after addiction.”

Watch the clip from Jill’s interview here:

JILL BIDEN: “I think what they are doing to Hunter is cruel.”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 11, 2024

Jill Biden: “I think what they are doing to Hunter is cruel.”

The people who made Hunter Biden the deviant that he is today think we’re being cruel to him.

Can you imagine being that tone deaf?

— Jason Jones (@jonesville) January 11, 2024

Here’s a partial transcript from Jill Biden’s Thursday interview with MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski:

BRZEZINSKI: How have you been coping personally with the onslaught of accusations against your husband and your family, including and especially Hunter, the focus of the House Oversight Committee hearing, holding him in contempt, obsessing over him, showing pictures of him during vulnerable moments —

BIDEN: Horrible.

BRZEZINSKI: — in his battle with addiction on the floor of the House?

This would crush any family.

BIDEN: Mika, I



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