WEF’s ‘Net Zero’ Agenda Will Kill Billions, Experts Warn

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing for governments worldwide to comply with its globalist agenda that will reduce the global population by billions.

Leading experts have spoken out against the unelected organization’s plans and are warning the public that the WEF’s “Net Zero” goal to eliminate fossil fuels will result in the deaths of over four billion people.

The “Net Zero” target to end fossil fuel use is part of the WEF and UN’s “Agenda 2030” and “Agenda 2050” plans for humanity and involves dramatically reducing fossil reliance by 2030 and completely eliminating their use by 2050.

The WEF continues to push its agenda and has been calling for taxpayers worldwide to pay $3.5 trillion per year, which they insist is necessary to fund the noble global power in order to meet the globalist organization’s “Net Zero” goal of “decarbonizing” the planet.

However, critics argue that “decarbonization” is just a euphemism for the WEF’s anti-human agenda and experts are raising the alarm about what this will actually mean for civilization, which includes the death of over four billion people.


Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg is just one who has warned that ending fossil fuel use will lead to the deaths



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