The World Economic Forum (WEF) is threatening to unleash “global chaos” on humanity in order to force the general public to comply with founder Klaus Schwab’s “great reset” agenda.
Now that the Covid “pandemic” is over, the WEF is shifting gears with plans to unleash “an era of shock events.”
These devasting events seek to catalyze the transition to a globalist-led new world order (NWO).
The WEF is warning the world about this coming shock event era to prepare everyone for the horrors that are slated to come next, including the reduction of the United States from a global superpower to just another globalist-controlled third-world dystopia.
“Since the pandemic eased, the reality is we haven’t had enduring global leadership on much, and it’s hard to imagine that changing soon,” the WEF says about how the existing political landscape is crumbling.
“This is partly because superpowers are terribly burdened with global wars and domestic challenges.”
The WEF’s solution to this is, of course, a transition from individual nation-states to a global governance scheme where all countries of the world are controlled from the top down, pyramid style.
Since 2024 is another election year, the WEF is also focused on that.