While chatting with former Biden press secretary Jen Psaki, Biden Campaign Communications Director Michael Tyler managed to reference two debunked media hoaxes — the “very fine people” lie that emerged after the Charlottesville protests and the more recent “bloodbath” hoax — in one sentence.
“What I heard was a continuation of the same rhetoric, the same endorsement of political violence that we’ve seen from Donald Trump for years, as you pointed out,” Tyler said in reference to the deceptively edited “bloodbath” comment.
Both left-wing politicians and aligned media outlets have fixated on a selectively edited clip of former President Trump’s Dayton, Ohio rally where he stated that another Biden term would lead to a “bloodbath” for the auto industry. While Trump spoke for over a minute, bad faith actors have zeroed in on a 17-second snippet of the former president’s quote to claim that he was endorsing violence.
The lie has been repeated by a number of mainstream media outlets such as Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post and others, while a number of elected Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have said the same.
Not satisfied with mentioning one hoax, Tyler managed to cram the “very fine