Trump tells wild Bronx crowd he's going to win New York like Reagan – EVOL

Donald Trump went deep into one of the bluest counties in the country on Thursday for a rally in the Bronx that had large crowds of his excited MAGA supporters lining up in the New York City borough while bystanders looked on incredulously.

The ex-president is the first Republican presidential nominee to campaign in the Bronx since Ronald Reagan showed up more than 40 years ago.

He delivered a New York-centric speech for more than an hour and a half where he reminisced fondly about his time as a real estate mogul before getting into politics, recalling numerous New York projects he worked on in great detail from the ice rink in Central Park and Trump golf course to Trump Tower.

‘Together we are going to make New York City great again,’ Trump vowed.

‘If a New Yorker can’t save this country, no one can,’ he said.

The former New Yorker said: ‘who said we’re not going to win New York? We’re going to win New York!’

As Trump spoke, often in a more quiet tone than he has at some of his other rancorous rallies, it appeared a larger crowd was stuck outside the barriers than inside as the ex-president



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