Time Magazine Promotes Bizarre Activities For Those Who Can't Deal With President Trump's Inauguration – EVOL

For millions of Americans, Monday marks the first day in an administration they believe will heal the damage inflicted on the country and the world over the course of the past four years.

Those who are still instinctively opposed to everything related to President Donald Trump, however, are clearly having a hard time coping with he thought of a second term.

And there are a few crackpot psychologists out there willing to dish out some supposed advice for those snowflakes who might not otherwise make it through Inauguration Day.

According to Fox News:

Time Magazine reported Friday about 11 “science-backed” activities people can try on Monday to cope with their “sense of hopelessness” about the incoming administration.

Psychology experts and therapists suggested a variety of activities that could help those emotional about Trump’s return take their focus off their anxiety and gain a new perspective.

Emiliana Simon-Thomas, a psychology expert and science director at the University of California at Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, recommended exercising, doing a creative activity, showing an act of kindness, smiling at strangers, and going to see a performance. These activities can boost your mood, help you regain a sense of control and feel



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