The founder of an aerospace company specializing in military-grade drones published a video on the Chinese social media platform TikTok, sharing his thoughts on the mystery drone sightings in New Jersey. His expert opinion is alarming, leaving many wishing that Paul Krugman’s theory about an alien invasion was true instead.
“I spoke to a gentleman a few months ago, who was trying to raise the alarm to the highest levels of our government … about this one particular nuclear warhead that he physically put his hands on … that was left over from Ukraine … and he knew this thing was headed towards the United States,” Saxon Aerospace’s John Ferguson stated in the video.
He continued: “Everyone knows that this administration is pushing to get into war with Russia.”
“Let’s back up a few years … remember when those drones were mysteriously flying across I-70 from Colorado to Nebraska to Kansas and then to Missouri? Well, it was believed that those drones were looking for radioactive material that came up missing in the US,” Ferguson noted.
Ferguson then explained the various payloads drones can support, such as laser sensors and optics, and he added, “Drones have no reason to