More Predictive Programming? New Theatrical Film Depicts Civil War And Chaos In The United States * * by Danielle

The first trailer for A24’s upcoming film Civil War was released on Wednesday.

The movie, scheduled to hit theaters April 26, 2024, depicts the United States falling into chaos and civil unrest.

Alex Garland, who wrote 28 Days Later and Ex Machina, wrote and directed the film.

“19 states have seceded. The United States Army ramps up activity,” the trailer opens, showing a desolate highway with stranded vehicles everywhere.

California and Texas are referred to as the “Western Forces” and there’s also a “Florida Alliance.”

In one scene, an individual on the radio says the three-term president will handle the uprising swiftly.

Another scene shows air strikes being conducted on American cities.

“There’s some kind of misunderstanding here. We’re American, okay,” a man says to another man holding a rifle in one scene.

“Okay. What kind of American are you?” the man with the rifle asks.

The trailer shows the tagline, “All Empires Fall.”

The trailer ends with a helicopter flying over a war-torn Washington D.C.


The Verge reports:

The next film from director Alex Garland looks like quite the action-packed dystopia. A24 just released the first trailer for Civil War, which is set in a



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