Massive news org conspiring with leftists on election coverage: Report | WND – EVOL

A legacy wire service, which first operated about the time telegraph wires were being strung from pole to pole across the American West, is partnering with organizations funded by leftist interests to expand election-year reporting.

An investigative report in the Washington Free Beacon describes the new plan confirmed by the Associated Press.

It said the AP is partnering with five nonprofit news organizations for “nonpartisan” local news, but “liberal advocacy groups and Democratic megadonors fund all” of the new entities.

One of the new partners is CalMatters, which was cofounded by Simone Otus Coze, a supporter, to the tune of $100,000, of a pro-Joe Biden superpac in 2020.

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“Billionaire investor Laurene Powell Jobs’s company, Emerson Collective, also has given more than $1 million to CalMatters,” the report said.

Are legacy news organizations so leftist that they’re almost “fake news”?

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