Jill Biden Goes Scorched Earth, Turns on Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Were Friends for 50 Years’ – EVOL

It’s been a reflective season for Jill Biden. With the holidays behind her and her husband’s presidency nearing its conclusion, the first lady has found herself thinking a lot about relationships. Decades of friendships, political alliances, and family connections have shaped her life, but some of those bonds are not as strong as they once were.

While reflecting on the relationships that have shaped her life, including her nearly five-decade marriage to President Joe Biden, Jill told The Washington Post, “Let’s just say I was disappointed with how it unfolded.” She then added, “I think that’s all I’m going to say.” Then came the bombshell.

The first lady, famously protective of her husband, has long been the keeper of the family’s grudges. In her 2019 memoir, Jill wrote that Joe has “an incredible capacity to forgive” but that she often remembers every slight committed against her loved ones. That dynamic, it seems, extends even to political allies.

When the interview with The Post turned to Pelosi, the first lady’s disappointment was apparently palpable. “Disappointing,” she said, because Pelosi, a longtime ally and confidante of the Bidens, went on national television last July with what Jill Biden now sees as



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