FDA-Led Peer-Reviewed Study Uncovers Alarming DNA Contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA Covid Vaccine – EVOL

A group of high school students from Centreville High School in Virginia, in collaboration with the FDA, has uncovered alarming DNA contamination in both Pfizer’s experimental and commercial mRNA COVID-19 shots.

Their peer-reviewed study, published in the Journal of High School Science on December 29th, has sparked renewed debate over vaccine manufacturing standards and quality control processes.

The researchers, led by Tyler Wang, Alex Kim, and Kevin Kim, developed a novel method to detect replication-competent DNA impurities at FDA’s own research facility at the White Oak Campus, Children’s Health Defense reported.

Their technique involves extracting DNA from vaccine samples, ligating it into a circular form, and then transforming it into Escherichia coli cells.

If transformation results in antibiotic-resistant bacterial colonies, it indicates the presence of replication-competent DNA, which should ideally be absent or minimal in the final vaccine product.

The findings were based on analyses of two separate lots of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines, including monovalent and bivalent formulations.

The students uncovered significant levels of DNA contamination in the vaccines, with some samples exceeding the WHO threshold by up to 470 times, the amount of residual DNA detected ranged between 40 to 110 nanograms per dose.

While no replication-competent DNA



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