Expert Reveals How Biden’s Pardon Could Backfire, Land Him In Legal Peril – EVOL

In an ironic twist of fate, securing his son’s freedom may one day land President Joe Biden in jail, according to legal observers who believe the path has been cleared for Hunter Biden to testify against his father.

The foundations of Washington, D.C. shook earlier this month when Biden pardoned his struggling son for both real and unrecognized potential crimes stretching back to 2014, a clemency more expansive than the one granted to former President Richard Nixon in the wake of Watergate. After denying countless times for the past year that he would do so, Biden in a statement defended the pardon, saying “raw politics has infected” Hunter’s conviction on a felony gun charge in September and suggested the same process would play out in California where the Justice Department was pursuing tax evasion charges against him.

(VOTE: Should ’60 Minutes’ Be Investigated For Deceptively Editing Kamala Interview?)

“The charges in his cases came about only after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election. Then, a carefully negotiated plea deal, agreed to by the Department of Justice, unraveled in the court room – with a number of my political opponents in



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