An ex-CIA staffer offered a chilling theory behind the “extremely unsettling” number of drones that continue to flood the Northeastern skies — as federal officials brush off public panic as an “overreaction.”
Former CIA operations officer Laura Ballman pressed the federal government to be more transparent about the mysterious drone sightings, theorizing that the disturbing phenomena might be part of a “classified exercise” mounted by the Biden Administration, during an interview with Fox News Live on Saturday.
“Now in terms of who is behind this, deducing the statements that have been made by John Kirby, who has said that these objects are not operating illegally coupled with the several op-eds that have been out the last 24 hours about the need to look at our detection systems, makes me think, perhaps, this is actually a classified exercise to test either evasion technology or detection technology in urban areas,” Ballman said.
National Security Global Security Expert, Laura Ballman…
— Tony Kambeitz (@Kambeitz9) December 15, 2024
“In terms of why the federal government would not be more forthcoming, I’ve actually been troubled by that. If I were in a position to advise on this, I would say it’s