Coast guards call out Biden admin for ‘making sh-t up’ after vessel tailed by fleet of unidentified drones – EVOL

Tensions are brewing among U.S. Coast Guardsmen stationed in Barnegat Light as the Biden administration continues to downplay reports of a mysterious swarm of drones tailing a Coast Guard rescue vessel earlier this month.

What began as a routine patrol has escalated into a heated dispute, with sailors demanding accountability and respect for their firsthand accounts.

The unsettling encounter occurred during a patrol of the Atlantic Ocean, involving a 47-foot Coast Guard rescue vessel. According to eyewitness accounts, a fleet of 12 to 30 drones appeared suddenly around 9 p.m., maintaining pace with the vessel traveling at 20 knots and performing maneuvers that no commercial aircraft could replicate.

One anonymous Guardsman shared his frustration with The New York Post:
“It’s the implication that’s insulting. It’s implying we’re making sh-t up, when the ones making up sh-t are down in Washington, D.C.”

Describing the drones, the sailor said, “They were about 80 to 100 feet above us. Four propellers, seven feet across, with flashing green, red, and white lights. Commercial airplanes don’t move like that. We’re not idiots; we know what drones look and sound like.”

Despite these detailed observations, federal officials, including White House spokesperson John Kirby, have dismissed



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